Traditional non-relational databases are non-relational communication between developers & dba's is slow (meetings & JIRA tickets).dba's generally have little context of the API accessing the database(only the intricacies of the database itself).traditional database indexing requires application context in addition to database administrationīecause of these reasons, proper database adminstration requires a skilled database adminstration team(DBA).user/application passwords are generally stored in an external store(identity provider) causing duplication of passwords(password-sprawl).password rotation is burdensome and leads to password sharing/leaks.database schema changes are often dangerous and require skilled administration to pull off without downtime.database schema setup requires application context & configuration overhead.Problem Statement Traditional relational databases are powerful but come with a number of issues that interfere with agile development methodologies: Traverse Documents Related to Logged In User.No awareness of origin/end user accessing the records(only the API/dba making the request).Traditional non-relational databases often don't support custom constraints.Traditional non-relational databases often don't have a declarative query language.Traditional non-relational databases are non-relational.Traditional relational databases are powerful but come with a number of issues that interfere with agile development methodologies:.Docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down -remove-orphans